
Focused Psychological Strategies -  $200 / hr [Medicare rebateable]

Counselling and Therapy with children, adolescents and parents -  $200 / hr [May be Medicare rebateable contingent on GP referrals]

Family Therapy -$200 / hr

Counselling and Therapy with Individuals and Couples -  $200 / hr

Professional Supervision: 

  • Individual Supervision - Paid by Organization $200 / hr

  • Group Supervision - $240/ hr

Family Group Meeting Convening / Facilitation / Mediation -  By negotiation

Telephone follow up and Casework -  $120 / hr

Travel to clients - costs are negotiated, approx $120 / hr

Report writing, Consultancy, Group Work and Training - will be charged in accordance with the AASW recommended schedule of fees.

Please note, fees for counselling with individuals and families referred and funded by a service agency may vary, via prior negotiation with the agency.


Government provisions require that GST is applied to some of the above services.

Payment can be made by EFT, Cash

Cancellations with less than 24 hours notice - $90

 In order to make my counselling services more accessible I offer fees that are substantially lower than the fees recommended for private practitioners by my professional association, the AASW. I also offer Medicare rebateable services when people are referred by a GP, Pediatrician or Psychiatrist, via a Mental Health Plan.